In the heart of a Masai village in rural Kenya, lies the Kilutori School which stands as a beacon of hope and education for over 200 children. It was established as a private project by Anthony Olempikas who is a guide in the Masai Mara National Park, and his wife as a means of providing children in the local community with access to education for the first time.
The Kilutori School, as the primary source of education for local kids, has been instrumental, especially for many girls who would otherwise have to walk 20 kilometers to the nearest public school and would very likely drop out of school. This school is 100% privately funded, in large part by Anthony himself and other private donors for some years now, but most of the initial funding dried up after COVID; the school now faces limitations in giving these kids a shot at education. In 2023 Eryk contributed close to half of the school’s budget and just signed an agreement pledging our support for 2024. However, the school is still in desperate need of new donors.
Additionally, all 15 pupils who took the national exam recently qualified for secondary school education! It is fantastic news, but some of these kids need help to continue as their families cannot afford the school fees which are usually between $600 and $1000 per year.
As a company, Eryk has continued to show our support in ensuring these children continue to get the support they need and now we invite you to become part of Kilutori School’s success story. Your support can make a lasting impact, empowering children and ensuring that they continue with their educational journey.
Join us in extending the gift of education filled with promise, opportunity, and the power that education holds in transforming lives.
How to join the ranks of donors
If you or your company wants to contribute to this beautiful initiative, there are 3 ways to do that:
Become a long-term sponsor like Eryk.
Help with a one-off donation.
Sponsor secondary school fees for one of the kids.
For all options, you are welcome to contact Lucja Kalkstein (, who will give you useful hints that she has gathered during almost 2 years of supporting the school or also donate via the link below: