
Eryk Get-Out Challenge: where adventure meets high fives and summer vibes!

This summer, Eryk employees eagerly embraced the call of adventure and camaraderie during the much-anticipated “Get-Out Challenge 2023.” This extraordinary event, a celebration of physical activity, teamwork, and the joy of the great outdoors unfolded with a vibrant energy.

Diverse Disciplines, Unifying Goals

The challenge was structured around three invigorating disciplines: running, walking, and biking. It wasn’t just about the competition; it was a call to break free from routine, to feel the rush of wind against the skin, and to share the summer sunlight with colleagues, while promoting an active lifestyle.

A Journey to Remember

What a journey it was! Employees laced up their sneakers, hopped on their bikes, and embarked on walks that meandered through picturesque landscapes, they embarked on a journey of physical and mental resilience. Collectively, the Eryk team accomplished a remarkable feat, amassing a staggering total of 12,786 kilometers – which makes it a bit more than a distance between Cape Town and Paris.

Champions of the Challenge:

🏃‍♂️ Running:

– First Place: Patryk Cąbrowski – 382.6 KM

– Second Place: Michał Korowiec – 312.6 KM

– Third Place: Maj Møller – 133.1 KM

🚶 Walking:

– First Place: Joanna Jakubiak – 360.1 KM

– Second Place: Michał Płudowski – 345.7 KM

– Third Place (Tied): Jacek Kukuła – 262.2 KM & Łukasz Biel – 194.7 KM

🚴 Biking:

– First Place: Adam Piotrowski – 2776.8 KM

– Second Place: Jens-Christian Møller – 2379.9 KM

– Third Place: Maj Møller – 1704.3 KM

Congratulations to our technicians and office colleagues!

The Get-Out Challenge wasn’t just about the winners; it was about fostering unity, embracing the beauty of the season, demonstrating that embracing the outdoors and pursuing an active lifestyle can be both fulfilling and rewarding. The event left an indelible mark on Eryk’s culture, inspiring colleagues to make the most of their free time, connect with nature, and cherish the bonds they share with their fellow teammates.

The memories of the Get-Out Challenge remains, reminding us to cherish the moments, savour the sunshine, and keep the spirit of adventure alive. The challenge might be over, but the zest for life ignited.

So here is to sunshine, sweat, teamwork and shared stories.  Eryk Get-Out Challenge 2023 was a whirlwind of fun, energy and unforgettable moments that would keep us smiling through every season.

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