See what we do after hours

King Eryk’s Run 2024

We are extremely proud of our runners; Szymon, Dawid, and Jude for their efforts. And of course, special thanks to Bartek who captured all the excitement and for his excellent reporting. 😉

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Summer Party 2023

And we dance…And we laughed and had a really, really, really good time! 🙂

On September we invited all our employees for Summer Party, which was organized this year in Belmare Resort in Międzyzdroje.

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2023 Summer – Team Building Activity

It is worthy to note that beyond our roles and responsibilities at Eryk, we are a family constantly set on achieving greatness and overcoming challenges together. Here is to many more moments of togetherness at Eryk where colleagues becomes friends and every day is an opportunity to grow stronger.


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Ultra Gryfus 2023: Eryk’s Riders Conquer Cycling Challenge

The Ultra Gryfus 2023 race remains a highlight on Eryk’s calendar and as the dust settles on this epic event, we reflect on Eryk’s team’s achievements and eagerly await more thrilling events in the nearest future.

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