
Meet Eryk’s Apprenticeship Program Core Team

Eryk’s apprenticeship program has always been one to promote the growth and development of young talents globally. However, without a team of dedicated individuals working tirelessly to ensure smooth operations, the goals of this program cannot be reached. Today’s spotlight shines on our amazing Apprenticeship Program Workforce Group (AWG) members whose commitment ensures that every apprentice embarks on a journey of growth equipping them with essential skills that gradually turn them into globally appreciated professionals.

From left to right: Joycelyn, Cezary, Patrycja, Lucian & Hamza

Let’s have a look at their roles.

HAMZA –  Hamza’s role is crucial as he oversees the entire apprenticeship program and its operations. From coordinating activities to building strong relationships with stakeholders from Africa and other parts of Europe, he ensures the apprenticeship program aligns with Eryk’s mission and vision. Hamza can also be met on-site, where he makes sure the apprentices are doing fine on their assigned projects.

“The Apprenticeship Work Group (AWG) has become a hub of the Apprenticeship Program. As a team, we meet every two weeks to discuss and analyze the activities relating to our apprentices and coaches. We also brainstorm and make beneficial decisions that will enhance the smooth running of the program. This also means that our apprentices would always be rest assured that the progress of their training is constantly being monitored and given attention to. I can say for sure that every member of the team is motivated and dedicated to this course and I see this is a huge asset to the overall success of the program.”

LUCIAN – Lucian’s role is important in the screening and onboarding processes of Polish apprentices. He coordinates external training activities for Coaches when needed, following up on monthly evaluations with Coaches and updating all internal files.

“For us, it is important that the apprenticeship program isn’t just about work but also about growth. We aim to create a professional and highly skilled team of technicians going forward. That is why we ensure apprentices are paired up with coaches who can help them learn and develop their abilities effectively.  We follow up on their progress to see how best they can reach their full potential.”

Lucian and Joycelyn having an onboarding session with a new apprentice.

JOYCELYN – She is the bridge that keeps our African apprentices on the right track by maintaining communication with coaches and apprentices as well as continuous assessment of apprentices’ needs, challenges and feedback from site faced when working on projects. She also serves as a “buddy” to our new apprentices.

PATRYCJA –  Patrycja takes charge of evaluating personality tests and conducting interviews with African apprentices. She’s also responsible for their smooth onboarding process and ensuring all legal aspects are in order.

CEZARY – Cezary provides valuable consultancy input, guiding our team with wisdom and expertise.

Eryk’s apprenticeship program remains a beacon of excellence, promoting growth, and the seamless blending of cultures. Apprentices do not need to worry about their welfare and learning curve because the team ensures a structured plan that helps them attain success.

Together, this remarkable team ensures that our Apprenticeship Program continues to thrive, providing opportunities for growth and development to young talents from both Europe and Africa.

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